
Mastering Python Functions: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Python Functions tutorial in detail with code and homework exercises

In these tutorials [Part1 & Par2] you will become a pro in python functions.  The best way to use this tutorial is to watch the videos and follow along with the code given here. Follow along and feel free to ask your doubts in the comments.

Python Functions Tutorial [Part 1]

What is a function in python?

A block of code which performs a desired operation is a function. A function is a like a machine, it takes input, does some work and returns output.

What is the use of functions in python?

  • Avoids code repetition: No need to write the same functionality again and again. Once we create a function, we can use it as many times as we want.
  • Saves time: Functions help increase your efficiency as a coder.
  • Improves Debugging Speed: We only need to debug and fix a function  at one place “where it was created”. We do not have to worry about places it was used at.
  • Increases speed of development: Multiple people can work together where one is using the function and other one is creating it.

Example of a Python Function

  • A python function starts with a def keyword , then comes name of the function and then the input arguments.
  • Body of a function contains the code which performs function operation e.g. sum, multiply or any other complex operation.
  • A function ends with a return statement which returns the output of the function.
  • A function without return statement returns “None” by default.
def multiply(a, b):
    if b%2 == 0:
# call the function
output = multiply(2, 4)
>>> 8

Pass Keyword in Python Functions

  • Pass keyword helps us create placeholders function which we or someone else will write later. 
  • Helps create structure of a project by making placeholder functions to be used during code flow.
def add():
def subtract():

In Built Functions in Python

In Built Functions are those functions which exists by default in Python. No need to create them, we can use them directly. Below are some examples of in built functions.

len function: To find out the number of elements in a python object.

ls = [1,2,3]
>>> 3

dict function: To create an empty dictionary in python.

empty = dict()
>>> dict

int function: To convert a string or float object to an integer in python.

>>> 2

str function: To convert an integer/float/python object to its string representation.

>>> '2'

User Defined Functions in Python

Functions which we create are user defined functions. They do not exist by default. We have to make them to be able to use them. Below are various types of user defined functions. Below are various types of functions in python.

# simple function
def add(a, b):
    val = a+b
a = 5
b = 3
>>> 8
# function with return
def add(a, b):
    return a+b
output = add(3,4)
>>> 7
# multiple value return
def add_subtract(a, b):
    addition = a + b
    subtraction = a - b
    return addition, subtraction
k = add_subtract(5,2)
>>> (7, 3)
# accepting multiple values
addition, subtraction = add_subtract(4,3)
>>> 7
>>> 1

Function Arguments

The inputs which functions take are called function arguments. In the below example num1 and num2 are two arguments of the function ‘multiply’.

# default arguments
def multiply(num1=5, num2=3):
    return num1*num2
>>> 15
>>> 12
>>> 25

Two ways to pass arguments to a function

1. Positional Arguments  

Directly passing values to a function is the positional way of passing arguments.
eg. multiply(5,6)

Order of arguments is important.

In the above example, num1 gets the value 5 and num2 gets the value 6.

2. Keyword Value Arguments

eg.  multiply(num1=5, num2=6)  , multiply(num2=6, num1=5)

Assigning values to function arguments is the Keyword Value way of passing arguments.

Order of arguments does not matter.

In the above example num1 gets 5 in both cases and num2 gets 6.

# default arguments
def multiply(num1=5, num2=3):
    return num1*num2

Args & Kwargs in Python Functions


Args is a technique to pass unlimited number of arguments to a function in form of positional arguments.

Generally when a function is defined we define the arguments as well but what do we do when we do not know the number of arguments the function can receive.  In such cases we use *args to make the function be able to accept any number of inputs. 

def total_earnings(name, *args):
    print('\nHello ,', name)
    for i in args:
    total = sum(args)
    print('Your total earning is: ',total)
# call the function
total_earnings('John', 100, 200, 240)
# output
Hello , John
Your total earning is:  540
# Call the function again with different arguments
total_earnings('Rita', -340, 500, 234, 1000, 500, 320, 420)
# output
Hello , Rita
Your total earning is:  2634


Kwargs is a technique to pass unlimited number of arguments to a function in form of Keyword arguments.

# write the function with arbritrary number of arguments
def play(name, **kwargs):
# call the function
play('sohan', sohan=17, arshad=24, smita=15, shiva=21)
# output
<class 'dict'>
{'sohan': 17, 'arshad': 24, 'smita': 15, 'shiva': 21}
# call the function
play('sohan', sohan=17, arshad=24, smita=15, shiva=21, vaibhav=34, vishwottam=3)
# output
<class 'dict'>
{'sohan': 17, 'arshad': 24, 'smita': 15, 'shiva': 21, 'vaibhav': 34, 'pyprohelp': 3}

Return types of Functions

Following are all possible return types of a python function. Return types not covered in first 7 are covered in point 8.  Please watch the video tutorial for more on this. 

1. Integer
2. String
3. List
4. Dictionary
5. Set
6. Tuple
8. Multiple datastructures returned???
7. Function – advanced
8. Class instance


Docstrings tell us about the function, what it takes as input, what it does and what it produces. Docstrings are really helpful to understand any function. We should always write docstrings before writing function code as it will help us  be clear and fast while writing the function code. Docstrings provide a faster way to review code without having to read through whole function.

def add(num1, num2):
    num1:(int) Input number 1
    num2:(int) Input number 2
    returns: (int) sum of the given num1 and num2
    return a+b

View Docstrings

# output
Help on function add in module __main__:
add(num1, num2)
    num1:(int) Input number 1
    num2:(int) Input number 2
    returns: (int) sum of the given num1 and num2

Python Functions Tutorial [Part 2]

Lambda Functions

Single line anonymous function.

Uses of lambda functions:

1. for small data manipulations not needed elsewhere

2. Used along with map, filter and reduce.


lambda x : some operation on x

here x is input argument

# example
func = lambda x: x**2
>>> 4
# example with multiple inputs
func = lambda x, y: x+y
>>> 5

Lambda function with if else condition

func = lambda x: x**2 if x%2 ==0 else x**3
>>> 27
>>> 4

Map filter reduce in python

Map function

map function is a in built python function which takes in a function and applies that function to all elements of a given list

Uses: When we need to modify all elements of a list by a similar logic

# example of map function usage
ls = [1,2,3,4,5]
# task: square all the numbers and add 5 to them
new_ls = map(lambda x: x**2 + 5, ls)
>>> [6, 9, 14, 21, 30]

Filter function

filter function returns elements from the list for which the lambda function evaluates to True


Used to filter out elements from a given python list

# example of filter function
ls = [1,2,3,4,5]
# get only even numbers from the list
evens = list(filter(lambda x: x%2==0, ls))
>>> [2, 4]


To reduce a list into a single value using pairwise iteration.

# example of reduce function
from functools import reduce
ls = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
# min value
reduce(lambda x,y: x if x<y else y, ls)
>>> 1

Nested function

Function inside a function.


  • Code completeness – used in different project, copy and paste
  • easier to understand and manage – why not just code, functions make it easy to manage
def calc(a,b):
    def multiply(a,b):
        return a*b
    def add(a,b):
        return a+b
    return multiply(a,b)/add(a,b)
>>> 2.72

Variable Scope

Function inside a function.


  • Code completeness – used in different project, copy and paste
  • easier to understand and manage – why not just code, functions make it easy to manage
# inside function scope
def print_val():
    val = 2
>>> 2
# check variable val outside function
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[67], line 1
----> 1 val
NameError: name 'val' is not defined
# variable defined outside
val = 2
def print_val():
>>> 2
# modify outer value inside function
val = 10
def print_val():
    global val
    val = 5
>>> 5

How to delete a function?

A Function is an object , use del keyword to delete a function just like you would do with any other
python object

def temp():
del temp
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[35], line 1
----> 1 temp()
NameError: name 'temp' is not defined